


Trademark Registration is an intellectual property registration under the Trademark Act of India. Trademark registration provides ownership of intellectual property, rights to exclusive use of the registered trademark and legal protection in case of trademark infringement.



Trademark Registration is an intellectual property registration under the Trademark Act of India. Trademark registration provides ownership of intellectual property, rights to exclusive use of the registered trademark and legal protection in case of trademark infringement.

Trademark registration facilitates brand recognition for your goods and services. It also creates goodwill associated with the brand. Thus, your brand is recognised as well as carries a market value over time.

Trademark registration in India allows the applicant to use symbols or words to represent a business or the products that are offered by a business to distinguish the goods or services that are offered by them from the competitors.

Is Trademarking necessary?
Trademarking is an important step for protecting your brand identity. It will stop competitors from poaching your customers by imitating your brand. It can also offer you some protection if those copycats do something reputation-damaging.
What are the three types of trademark?
Types of Trademark in India
  • Word Marks. Word Marks are the most common types of trademarks that are registered in India. …
  • Service Marks. Service Marks represent the service which a company or business deals in. …
  • Logos and Symbols. …
  • Shape of Goods. …
  • Series Marks. …
  • Collective Trademarks. …
  • Certification Mark. …
  • Geographical Indicators.

The government fees for trademark registration is Rs. 9000 per application per class for company. The government fees for trademark registration is Rs. 4500 per application per class for individual.


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